Thursday, December 31, 2009


2009 has been an amazing year for me. I have a new son in law, daughter in law, and two new grand kids. In addition, I have some amazing new friends. I have started a small business and found the world of blogging. I am looking with anticipation to 2010. Thanks for being a part of it.


  1. What an Exciting Year You have Had..... Here's a Toast to a Blessed 2010~ Happy New Year

  2. Sweet Carolyn I am soooooooooo glad we met this year & look forward to another year of fun, creating & friendship. You did indeed get a lot of wonderful additions in your life in 2009 but, you deserve all the goodness life can give because you are such a sweetheart! HAPPY NEW YEAR DEAR FRIEND! Hugs! Charlene

  3. Happy New Year!
    May 2010 bring you many more blessings!
    Take care, Laura

  4. Happy new year. What a pretty blog header! ~ Angela

  5. Wow, You have done a lot sister! You've made a forever friend in me. You are one of my best 2009 memories. Here's to an even better 2010.
    PS I like your comment, I hope your right!

  6. Happy New Year! Hope it is your best yet!
    Hugs, Lisa

  7. LOVE your new Banner!!!! Those flowers are amazing! Were they from the wedding? LOVE THEM!

    Thank you for your hugs, prayers & support for Reba & I. I am waiting with baited breath for bloodwork results on Monday. Hugs! Charlene
